MapLink™ | Procedures | Requirements applicable to all plans

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Requirements applicable to all plans

All plans submitted shall comply with the following:

A. They shall contain:
(1) Name of record owner.
(2) Name at subdivider or developer if different than owner.
(3) Name of proposed subdivision.
(4) Tract boundaries.
(5) Name of municipality(ies) in which subdivision is located.
(6) Municipal boundary lines if appropriate.
(7) Proposed and existing street and lot layout.
(8) North arrow.
(9) Graphic scale.
(10) Date of plans and revision date(s).
(11) Name at architect, registered engineer or surveyor responsible for plan including seal and signature.
(12) Names of owners or subdividers of all adjoining properties.
(13) All existing wetlands, watercourses, streams, ponds, lakes and natural or man-made drainage patterns or improvements.
(14) All natural features on the site.
(15) Existing development, including streets and buildings within 500 feet of the proposed subdivision or land development.
(16) Soil survey from an on-site field investigation or from the Monroe County survey maps.
(17) Location of test pits and data showing pass or fail.
(18) Location of all public or private utility easements.
(19) A statement of responsibility for use ownership, maintenance and improvements of any common driveways or private road shall be noted on the plan to be recorded.
(20) A statement of ownership, signed, dated and notarized and consent from the owners to submit plans for Township approval.
(21) A surveyor's certification of accuracy which is signed, dated and sealed.
(22) Current or proposed use(s) of the property including hours of operation.
(23) The type, location and size of the existing sewage system, or type of sewage system proposed.
(24) The number of current or prospective individuals using the sewage system, and it shall be updated on an annual basis.
(25) If an existing driveway, a copy of a PennDOT or Township highway/encroachment occupancy permit.
(26) A lighting plan showing the location and details of the proposed or existing lighting arrangement for commercial and industrial uses.
(27) If requested, a report relating to the health and safety issues on/and near the site including details or studies related to noise, fumes, traffic or odor emanating by reason of the proposed use. In other words, an environmental impact study.
B. They shall be:
(1) Eight clear legible, blue and white prints.
(2) On sheets 18 inches by 24 inches by 26 inches by 48 inches (on as many sheets as necessary), or on sheets 24 inches by 36 inches: Monroe County will not accept map sizes exceeding 24 inches by 36 inches.
(3) Free of any data or graphics along the edges of each sheet to provide a border of at least two inches along one short edge, either the top or the left side, and a border of at least one inch along the remaining three sides.
(4) Drawn to scale, not more than 1,000 feet equals one inch, except:
(a) Where more than 1/2 the total number of lots shown on the plan have an area of 50 acres or less, the scale shall be not more than 400 feet equals one inch.
(b) Where more than 1/2 the total number of lots shown on the plan have an area of 10 acres or less, the scale shall be not more than 200 feet equals one inch.
(c) Where more than 1/2 the total number of lots shown on the plan have an area of two acres or less, the scale shall not be more than 100 feet equals one inch.
(d) At least three Mylars for all final plans.
C. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any plan required to be submitted by this article shall also include a copy on computer readable media in either auto-cad R-14, auto-cad 2000, TIFF image format or ESRI Arc Infro\arcview, with all required media containing Pennsylvania State Plane N, NAD 83 Coordinates, or such other electronic, digital or computer readable media or format as designated from time to time by resolution duly enacted by the Board of Supervisors.