MapLink™ Signs

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A sign located on a property or premises that is vacant, and/or otherwise not in use, or which has not identified or advertised a current business, service, owner, product, or activity for a period of six consecutive months or more, or a sign that is dilapidated or vandalized and not repaired within six consecutive months from the day of the damaging event, or for which no legal owner can be found, shall be considered abandoned, unless there is some specific action taken by the owner indicating to the Township otherwise during the six-month period.
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See "portable sign."
Any structural change or repair of an existing sign.
A sign depicting action, motion, or light or color changes through electrical or mechanical means.
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A cloth, plastic, or other nonstructural covering that projects from a wall for the purpose of shielding a doorway or window. An awning is either permanently attached to a building or can be raised or retracted to a position against the building when not in use.
Any sign painted on, or applied to, an awning.
A sign constructed on a single set of supports with messages visible on both sides, provided that the message boards shall be physically contiguous.
A balloon, tethered in a fixed location, which contains an advertisement message on its surface or attached to the balloon in any manner. See "inflatable sign."
A long strip of cloth, bunting, plastic, paper or similar nonrigid material bearing a slogan or design hung in a public view or place. Banners are temporary in nature and do not include flags or feather flag signs.
Any source of electric light, whether portable or fixed, the primary purpose of which is to cast a concentrated beam of light generally skyward as a means of attracting attention to its location rather than to illuminate any particular sign, structure, or other object.
See "off-premises sign."
See "projecting sign."
The maximum linear width or length, whichever is greater, of a building measured in a single straight line parallel, or essentially parallel, with the abutting public street or parking lot.
The one-year period that begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.
A structure other than an awning made of fabric, metal, or other material that is supported by columns or posts affixed to the ground and may also be connected to a building.
A sign suspended from, attached to, supported from or forms a part of a canopy, provided that such sign shall not extend beyond the vertical or horizontal boundary of any canopy.
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The graded portion of a street or alley including the traveled way and shoulders.
A sign or portion thereof on which the copy or symbols change either automatically through electrical or electronic means or manually through placement of letters or symbols on a panel mounted in or on a track system. The two types of changeable-copy signs are manual changeable copy signs and changeable electronic variable message signs, which include message center signs, digital displays, and tri-vision boards.
A sign in which light is turned on or off intermittently by any means, including any illuminated sign on which such illumination is not kept stationary or constant in intensity and color at all times when such sign is in use; including alternative sign displays of a digital or controlled light-emitting variety, including digital signs that may be scrolling message boards, liquid crystal display (LCD), or plasma display panels, electronic billboards, projection screens, or other emerging display types like living surfaces such as organic light-emitting diode (OLEDs), light emitting diode (LED), light emitting polymer (LEP) and organic electro-luminescence (OEL), that can be controlled electronically using a computer or other devices, allowing direct or remote access and control of graphic, text or content, and which may vary in intensity or color. A CEVM sign does not include a sign located within the right-of-way that functions as a traffic control device and that is described and identified in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) approved by the Federal Highway Administration as the national standard (often referred to as digital, electronic, electronic graphic or similar).
A sign consisting of fabricated or formed three-dimensional letters, individually applied to a wall, which may accommodate a light source.
The distance above the walkway, or other surface if specified, to the bottom edge of a sign. This term can also refer to a horizontal distance between two objects.
A premises on which there are two or more separate occupancies located within the same or an adjacent building or buildings on the same commercial or industrial plot of record.
Any sign temporarily erected and maintained on a particular premises while construction is taking place on said premises to identify the project designer, architect, contractor, developer, finance organization, subcontractor, and/or material's vendor, upon which property such individual or entity is furnishing labor, financing, material or other services. Also known as "project sign."
The portion of a sign message made up of internally illuminated components capable of changing the message periodically. Digital displays may include but are not limited to LCD, LED, or plasma displays. Also see "changeable copy sign" and "changeable electronic variable message sign."
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Any sign which is a potential hazard to the public, structurally unsound, or more than 60% of entire structure is in need of substantial repair, painting or maintenance.
A. A sign, erected or permitted in the public right-of-way or on private property by Tobyhanna Township or by another governmental agency, to denote, by way of example but not limited to the following: the name of any thoroughfare or the route to any city, town, village, educational institution, public building, historic place, shrine or hospital, to direct and regulate traffic, or to denote any railroad crossing, bridge or other transportation company or public utility for the direction or safety of the public.
B. A sign, notice or symbol for information relating to the Federal Aviation Agency, its agents or licensees as to locations, directions, landings and conditions affecting safety in aviation.
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A sign that provides a listing of the names of businesses, activities, addresses, locations, uses or places within a building or complex of buildings for the purpose of giving directions, instructions or facility information and which may contain the name and logo of an establishment but no advertising copy.
A sign with two faces which are usually, but not necessarily, parallel, or on which the angle created by the signs is not greater than 45°.
An illuminated sign and/or sign structure in which electric wiring, connections and/or fixtures are used as part of the sign proper.
Any sign that was erected, mounted or displayed prior to the adoption of this article.
Artificial light, located away from the sign, which lights the sign, the source of which may or may not be visible to persons viewing the sign from any street, sidewalk, or adjacent property.
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The entire building wall, including street wall face, and parapet, facia, windows and doors on any complete elevation, but excluding any roof or portion thereof.
FEATHER FLAG SIGN A temporary vertical portable sign typically constructed of a single plastic or metal shaft driven into the ground for support or supported by means of an individual stand with an attached harpoon-style pennant that is vertically elongated and attached to the shaft used to draw attention to a commercial or noncommercial message. A feather flag is also known as concave, convex, angled, straight, teardrop, sail, bow flags.
A type of illumination comprised of either: a) a group of incandescent light bulbs hung or strung overhead or on a building or other structure, or b) light bulbs not shaded or hooded or otherwise screened to prevent direct rays of light from shining on adjacent properties or rights-of-way.
A device generally made of flexible material, using cloth, paper or plastic, typically oblong or square, attachable by one edge to a pole or rope and used as a symbol of a government, school or religion, and not containing a commercial message. The term "flag" does not include feather flag signs. For the purpose of this definition a flag may be used to promote a business to be open.
A sign whose artificial illumination is not kept constant in intensity at all times when in use and which exhibits changes in light, color, direction, or animation. This definition does not include electronic message centers signs or digital displays that meet the requirements set forth herein.
See "wall sign."
A unit of incident light (on a surface) stated in lumens per square foot and measurable with an illuminance meter, a.k.a. footcandle or light meter. One footcandle is equal to one lumen per square foot.
A unit of emitted light (from a surface) stated in lumens per square foot and measurable with an illuminance meter, a.k.a. footcandle or light meter. One footlambert is equal to one lumen per square foot.
A sign supported by a sign structure secured in or on the ground and which is wholly independent of any building, fence, vehicle or other support. Also see "pole sign" or "monument sign."
The length of the property line of any one parcel serving as a public right-of-way line. In the case of corner lots, the shorter of the two street lines shall be considered the frontage.
Signs placed or erected by governmental agencies, fire, fire and rescue, ambulance or other similar organizations directly affiliated with Tobyhanna Township for the public interest, for control of traffic and for other regulatory purposes; street signs; warning signs; railroad-crossing signs; public service signs; signs indicating danger; and aids to service and safety which are erected by or for the government.
A sign using a three-dimensional message, logo, etc., which is lit in such a way as to produce a halo effect (also known as "back-lit illumination").
The vertical distance measured from the average elevation of the nearest road center line, or the average grade at the sign location, to the top of the sign face or sign structure, whichever is greater.
Signs placed on an historic site or building identifying the area or structure as an historic landmark as designated by a local, state, or federal government. If said sign is a wall sign, it shall not exceed six square feet in area.
A district or zone designated by a local, state, or federal government, within which buildings, structures, and/or appurtenances are deemed important because of their association with history, or because of their unique architectural style and scale.
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Signs or displays including lighting which are a nonpermanent installation celebrating national, state, and local holidays, religious or cultural holidays, or other holiday seasons (also known as "seasonal decorations").
A sign with electrical equipment installed for illumination, either internally illuminated through its sign face by a light source contained inside the sign or externally illuminated by a light source aimed at its surface.
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A source of any artificial or reflected light, either directly from a source of light incorporated in or indirectly from an artificial source.
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A sign, generally informational, that has a purpose secondary and incidental to the use of the lot on which it is located, such as "no parking," "entrance," "loading only," "telephone" and/or similar directives and which may include a business logo or name.
Signs displayed in the window displaying information such as the business's hours of operation, credit institutions accepted, commercial and civic affiliations, and similar information. These signs shall be informational only and shall not contain a commercial message.
A sign whose dimensions are expanded or which is supported by gases or fluids contained within the sign, or sign parts, at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure.
A sign which designates the direction of ingress or egress of a parking area or driveway, such as "in," "out," "one-way," "do not enter" or "no exit," and which may include a business logo or name.
An electronic or animated sign that reacts to the behavior, electronic signals or electronic devices of motor vehicle occupants, pedestrians or the motor vehicle, except for the sign owner or agent.
A light source that is concealed or contained within the sign and becomes visible in darkness through a translucent surface. Message center signs, digital displays, and signs incorporating neon lighting shall not be considered internal illumination for the purposes of this article.
The physical attributes of a sign that allow for an observer's differentiation of its letters, words, numbers, or graphics.
Light emitted by a lighting installation, which extends beyond the boundaries of the property on which the installation is sited.
A nonpermanent sign that is displayed on private property for more than 30 days, but not intended to be displayed for an indefinite period.
A designated parcel, tract or area of land established by a plat or otherwise as permitted by law and to be used, developed or built upon as a unit.
An objective measurement of the brightness of illumination, including illumination emitted by an electronic sign, measured in candles per square foot (cd/ft2). Also see "NIT."
See "changeable copy sign."
Any permanent roof-like structure projecting beyond a building or extending along and projecting beyond the wall of the building generally designed and constructed to provide protection from the weather.
Any sign attached to a marquee for the purpose of identifying a use or product. If attached to a theater, performing arts center, cinema, or other similar use, it may also advertise films or productions.
A sign having parts that physically move rather than merely appear to move as might be found in a digital display. The physical movement may be activated electronically or by another means, but shall not include wind-activated movement such as used for banners or flags. Mechanical movement signs do not include digital signs that have changeable, programmable displays.
A memorial plaque or tablet, including grave markers or other remembrances of persons or events, which is not used for a commercial message.
A sign for displaying the bill of fare available at a restaurant, or other use serving food, or beverages.
A type of illuminated, changeable copy sign that consists of electronically changing alphanumeric text often used for gas price display signs and athletic scoreboards.
The spreading of one message across more than one sign structure.
A freestanding sign with low overall height that stands directly on the ground or at ground level and which is generally supported by and integrated with a solid base, or what visually appears to be a solid base, where the entire bottom of the sign visually appears to be affixed to the ground. Also known as "ground sign."
Any electrical sign having a continuous message flow across its face by utilization of lights or other electrical or electronic impulses forming various words, figures or designs, excluding a time-and-temperature sign.
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A freestanding sign used to advertise businesses that occupy a shopping center or complex with multiple tenants.
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A large picture/image (including but not limited to painted art) which is painted, constructed, or affixed directly onto a vertical building wall, which may or may not contain text, logos, and/or symbols, but shall not contain a commercial message.
A sign illuminated by a neon tube, or other visible light-emanating gas tube, that is bent to form letters, symbols, or other graphics.
A term used to describe a metric unit of luminance defined as candela per square meter (cd/m2). The unit is based on the candela, the modern metric unit of luminous intensity, and the square meter.
Any sign which was lawfully erected or displayed prior to the effective date of this article or any subsequent amendment hereto, but which fails to conform to all the provisions of this article.
Official highway route number signs, street name signs, directional signs and other traffic signs erected and maintained on public highways and roads in the interest of public safety or for the regulation of traffic.
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An outdoor sign whose message directs attention to a specific business, product, service, event or activity, or other commercial or noncommercial activity, or contains a noncommercial message about something that is not sold, produced, manufactured, furnished, or conducted on the premises upon which the sign is located (also known as a "third-party sign," "billboard," or "outdoor advertising").
A sign whose message and design relate to an individual business, profession, product, service, event, point of view, or other commercial or noncommercial activity sold, offered, or conducted on the same premises where the sign is located.
The primary surface of a sign upon which the message of the sign is carried.
A vertical false front or wall extension above the roofline.
A triangular or irregular piece of fabric or other material, commonly attached in strings or strands, or supported on small poles intended to flap in the wind.
A sign attached or affixed to a building, window, or structure, or to the ground in a manner that enables the sign to resist environmental loads, such as wind, and that precludes ready removal or movement of the sign and whose intended use appears to be indefinite.
A sign that expresses an opinion, interest, position, or other noncommercial message.
A comprehensive advertising sign plan submitted as a permitted accessory use intended to enhance the common scheme and architecture of the development comprising identification of users/tenants, uses, and directional signs consistent with the criteria set forth at § 155-16.1E(2).
A freestanding sign that is permanently supported in a fixed location by a structure of one or more poles, posts, uprights, or braces from the ground and not supported by a building or a base structure.
A sign erected by a political candidate, group, advocate or agent thereof for the purpose of advertising a candidate or stating a position regarding an issue upon which the voters shall vote.
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A sign designed to be transported or moved and not permanently attached to the ground, a building, or other structure. Also see "sandwich board sign" and "vehicle sign."
Fully defined in 67 Pa. Code § 445.2, the property upon which the activity is conducted as determined by physical facts rather than property lines. It is the land occupied by the buildings or other physical uses that are necessary or customarily incident to the activity, including such open spaces as are arranged in connection with the buildings or uses.
A sign indicating a street or drive which is not publicly owned and maintained and used only for access by the occupants of the development and their guests.
See "construction sign."
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A building-mounted, double-sided sign with the two faces generally perpendicular to the building wall, which extends outward for more than 12 inches from the facade, not to include signs located on a canopy, awning, or marquee (also known as "blade sign"). Also see "shingle sign."
The line where the property meets the public right-of-way for a street or other public way, provided that this definition shall not include unimproved alleys, easements or other similar uses.
A sign erected or required by government agencies or utilities, including traffic, utility, safety, railroad crossing, and identification signs for public facilities.
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Any street, highway, road, path or right-of-way, whether privately or publicly owned, which is designed or used for vehicular or pedestrian traffic either by public right or custom, or by invitation to the public of two or more common owners, including unimproved alleys and easements.
A double-sided sign, either made of plastic or aluminum that is mounted on top of a fuel pump by either metal or plastic framing which can be changed periodically via inserts that advertises store products, fuel pricing or danger warnings.
A temporary sign erected by the owner or his agent advertising the real property upon which the sign is located for rent, for lease or for sale.
A sign containing any material or device which has the effect of intensifying reflected light.
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One freestanding or wall sign per unit, with an area not exceeding three square feet, which identifies the name of the occupant and/or street address of the dwelling unit. See also Chapter 115: Signs for Building Numbers and Streets.
A sign which revolves in a circular motion (rotating) rather than remaining stationary on its supporting structure.
The exterior upper covering of a building or portion of a building.
A sign erected over or on, and wholly or partially dependent upon, the roof of any building for support, or attached to the roof in any way, not to extend above the roof's highest point.
Any sign which revolves around one or more fixed axes.
A type of freestanding, portable, temporary sign consisting of two faces connected and hinged at the top and whose message is targeted to pedestrians. See "portable sign" (also known as "A-frame sign").
A sign contained within an athletic venue and intended solely to provide information to the attendees of an athletic event.
An on-premises sign regulating the use of the premises, such as a "no trespassing," "no hunting," or "no soliciting" sign (also known as "Warning sign").
A series of temporary signs erected for the purpose of designating the location of or directing the public to a particular property or activity.
The description of a luminaire from which no direct glare is visible at normal viewing angles, by virtue of its being properly aimed, oriented, and located and properly fitted with such devices as shields, barn doors, baffles, louvers, skirts, or visors.
A sign, other than a wall sign, that is supported from a bracket or other mounting device attached directly to the building, or a sign that is suspended from the underside of a building overhang.


Any object, device, display or structure or part thereof, situated outdoors or indoors, which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct or attract attention to an object, person, institution, organization, business, product, service, event or location by any means, including words, letters, figures, design, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination or projected images, excluding national or state flags, window displays, graffiti, athletic scoreboards or the official announcement or signs of government.
See § 155-20: Definitions for a complete list of definitions related to Signs.
A. The area of a sign shall include all lettering, wording, and accompanying designs and symbols, together with the background, whether open or enclosed, on which they are displayed (but not including any supporting framework and bracing incidental to the display itself).
B. Where the sign consists of individual letters or symbols attached to a building, wall or window, the area shall be considered to be that of the smallest rectangle or other regular geometric shape which encompasses all of the letters and symbols.
C. In computing square foot area of a double-faced sign, only one side shall be considered. If the interior angle formed by the two faces of the double-faced sign is greater than 45°, then both sides of such sign shall be considered in calculating the sign area.
D. The size of any sign shall be computed by multiplying its greatest height by its greatest length exclusive of supporting structures, unless the supporting structure is illuminated or is in the form of a symbol or contains advertising copy. In the case of signs that have no definable edges, such as raised letters attached to a building facade, the sign shall be that area within a single, continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of the actual message or copy area.
The part of the sign that is or can be used for the sign area. The sign area could be smaller than the sign face.
See "height of sign."
A supporting structure erected, used or intended for the purpose of identification or attracting attention, with or without a sign thereon, situated upon or attached to the premises, upon which any sign may be fastened, affixed, displayed or applied; provided, however, that this definition shall not include a building, fence, wall or earthen berm.
A sign tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued, or otherwise attached to trees, poles, stakes, fences, public benches, streetlights, or other objects, or placed on any public property or in the public right-of-way or on any private property without the permission of the property owner (also known as "bandit sign").
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Gathering of individuals generally lasting from a few hours to a few days designed to celebrate, honor, discuss, teach about, encourage, observe or influence human endeavors. A special event is but not limited to firework displays, carnivals, circus, bazaar, parades, fairs, or any assembly, gathering, activity or meeting. This does not include sidewalk sales where merchandise normally sold indoors is transferred from indoors to outdoors for sale. Yard sales, garage sales and similar activities are not regarded as special events.
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A sign that carries a message regarding a special event or function that is of general interest to the community.
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The exterior facade of a building housing a commercial use visible from a street, sidewalk, or other pedestrian way accessible to the public and containing the primary entrance to the commercial establishment. Also see "facade."
A display made of lightweight, flexible materials, consisting of long, narrow, wavy strips hung individually or in a series, with or without a logo or advertising message printed or painted on them and typically designed to move in the wind.
The side or sides of a lot abutting on a public street or right-of-way.
A banner suspended above a public sidewalk and attached to a single street pole. These signs shall not contain any commercial advertising.
A sign installed on an arm, mast or spar, which sign is not permanently fastened to an adjacent wall, porch ceiling, overhang, canopy or upright pole. Also see "shingle sign."
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Any sign intended to be erected or displayed for a limited period as hereinafter set forth in § 155-36: Temporary signs and standards.
An electrical sign utilizing lights, which periodically display the current time and temperature.
A comprehensive advertising sign plan submitted as a permitted accessory use intended to enhance the common scheme and architecture of the development comprising identification of users/tenants, uses, and directional signs consistent with the criteria set forth at § 155-16.1E(2).
A sign consisting of written directions and/or an arrow or arrows and is designed, sized and erected solely for the purpose of vehicular or pedestrian traffic direction or safety.
That part of the roadway provided for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lands.
An outdoor unit with a slatted face that allows three different copy messages to revolve at intermittent intervals.
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Any sign affixed to a vehicle and used in such a manner that the carrying of such sign or signs is no longer incidental to the vehicle's primary purpose, but becomes the primary purpose itself. Vehicle signs shall be prohibited in Tobyhanna Township.
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A sign displayed on a vending machine indicating the name of the product being sold and/or the price of such product.
A sign that changes its message or background in a manner or method of display characterized by motion or pictorial imagery, which may or may not include text and depicts action or a special effect to imitate movement, the presentation of pictorials or graphics displayed in a progression of frames which mimic the illusion of motion, including but not limited to moving objects, moving patterns or bands of light, or expanding and contracting shapes and/or fade, dissolve, travel or scrolling features. "Video signs" include projected images or messages with these characteristics onto buildings or other objects, including electronic graphic signs. "Video signs" shall not include LED gas price illuminations.
A building-mounted sign which is either attached to, displayed on, or painted on an exterior wall in a manner parallel with the wall surface, extending not more than 12 inches from the facade of a building. A sign installed on a false or mansard roof is also considered a wall sign (also known as: "fascia sign," "parallel wall sign," or "band sign"). Also see ‘flat sign’.
Any sign that is applied, painted, or affixed to a window, or placed inside a window, within three feet of the glass, facing the outside of the building, and easily seen from the outside. Customary displays of merchandise or objects and material behind a store window are not considered signs.
Setback from cartway.
A. In order to provide room for future improvements and to provide proper sight distances, all signs shall be set back at least 10 feet from the cartway, provided appropriate sight distance is achieved.
B. In addition, no sign or portion thereof shall be erected, maintained or permitted within the cartway of any street, road, highway or other public way other than an unimproved alley or easement. For purposes of this section, a sign or portion thereof shall be considered to be within the cartway if it extends within the vertical plane extending upward from the public cartway line as defined in this article.

All signs shall be erected so as not to obstruct or impair driver vision at business ingress/egress points of driveways and intersections.

Sign illumination.
If illuminated, signs shall be illuminated only by and shall not exceed the following means:
A. By an uncolored, primary source, steady and stationary light shielded and directed solely at the sign or from within the sign.
B. Light sources to illuminate signs shall be shielded from all adjacent residential buildings and streets and shall not be in excess of 0.5 footcandle 10 feet beyond the sign and/or 0.2 footcandle at the property lines of such use and shall not cause hazardous glare to pedestrians or vehicle drivers or create a nuisance to adjacent residential districts.
C. Illumination shall be effectively controlled to limit intensity and/or brilliance to avoid glare that impairs the vision of a driver of a vehicle. Any illumination of the sign shall not interfere with the effectiveness of, or obscure, an official traffic sign, device or signal.
D. Hours of operation.
(1) Signs in zones other than C and CI may be illuminated from 5:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m., or 1/2 hour past the close of business of the facility being identified or advertised, whichever is later.

Material and style.
A. Signs shall not have light-reflecting backgrounds but may use light-reflecting lettering.
B. All sign faces shall be measured as referred to in the definition of "sign area" in § 155-20.
C. It is recommended that material and construction will generally conform to local aesthetic conditions to ensure continuity and compatibility with the rural nature of the Township.
Illegal signs. The following signs are illegal and subject to removal and disposition by the Zoning Officer pursuant to this chapter (see §§ 155-47 through 155-50):
A. Any sign unlawfully erected or unlawfully existing prior to the effective date of this article which remains in noncompliance with this article and any amendment hereto.
B. Any sign unlawfully erected or unlawfully existing subsequent to the effective date of this article or any amendment hereto and which remains in noncompliance with this article and any amendment hereto.
C. Any nonconforming sign which fails to comply with the specific provisions regarding maintenance or continuation of nonconforming signs in this article and any amendment hereto.

Prohibited signs.
A. Except as may be hereinafter specifically permitted, it shall be unlawful after the effective date of this article or any amendment hereto for a person to erect, place or use within the Township any of the following signs:
(1) Snipe signs.
(2) A sign which contains any moving, flashing or animated lights, visible moving or movable parts, or giving the appearance of animation, not including CEVM signs or barber pole signs.
(3) Vehicle signs (see § 155-20, Definitions).
(4) Any sign which emits a sound, odor or visible matter.
(5) Any sign which obstructs free ingress to or egress from a required door, fire escape or other required exit.
(6) Any sign and/or sign structure that obstruct the view of, may be confused with or purports to be a governmental traffic directional or safety sign.
(7) Any sign or sign structure (other than a freestanding) that extends above the parapet, building roofline or canopy (provided it is lower than the roofline) against which the sign is located.
(8) Any sign using the words "stop" or "danger" or any other word, phrase, symbol or character in a manner that misleads, confuses or distracts a vehicle driver.
(9) Moving-message signs, except time and temperature.
(10) Except as otherwise provided, no sign, whether temporary or permanent, except one erected by a public agency, is permitted within any traveled way.
(11) Any sign containing any obscene word, statement or picture of obscene or pornographic subjects.
(12) Any sign painted on or attached to trees, fence posts or other natural features or telephone or utility poles, or painted on the roofs of buildings, visible from any public thoroughfare; does not include § 155-25D.
(13) Any abandoned or dilapidated sign that is not brought into conformance with this article.
(14) Any inflatable sign.
(15) Any neon sign, except as a window sign, as permitted.
(16) All bus shelter commercial signs, except as conditional uses.
(17) Serial signs.
(18) Video sign that is visible from any public and/or private road, highway, and/or street within Tobyhanna Township.
(19) Feather flags.
B. It shall be unlawful, after the effective date of this article, for a person to erect or place within an RR, R-1, R-2, C, BV or OS District a billboard or other off-premises sign; provided, however, that off-premises signs identifying public service, religious or civic club organizations, not exceeding nine square feet, are permitted within an RR, R-1, R-2, C, BV or OS District.

No flag, except a governmental flag, shall be allowed unless specifically permitted in this article. There shall be no restrictions as to time, location or size with respect to the display of a governmental flag.

Defaced signs.
When any sign is defaced or when the message on any sign is obscured by graffiti, such graffiti shall be removed and the sign returned to its original condition within 45 days of written notice from the Zoning Officer.
Nonconforming billboards and other nonconforming off-premises signs.
A. Abandonment and discontinuance. When a nonconforming use of a billboard or other off-premises sign is discontinued or abandoned for six consecutive months or more, or when such a nonconforming sign that is damaged, in disrepair or vandalized and not repaired within six consecutive months from the date of the damaging event, such a sign shall be considered abandoned, unless there is some specific action taken by the owner indicating to the Township otherwise during the above-referenced six-month period, and once abandoned the sign shall not thereafter be used except in conformity with the provisions of this article. When a nonconforming sign has no known legal owner it shall also be considered abandoned for purposes of this article.
B. Damage and destruction.
(1) When an existing nonconforming billboard or other nonconforming off-premises sign is destroyed or damaged as a result of natural disaster or tortious conduct so that less than 50% of the sign remains intact, the sign may be repaired or replaced only in conformance with the provisions of this article. Determination of the remaining percentage of the nonconforming billboard or the nonconforming off-premises sign shall be based on the cost of repair versus replacement.
(2) When an existing nonconforming billboard or other nonconforming off-premises sign needs repainting and/or repair and 50% or more of the sign remains intact (based on the cost of repair versus replacement), such sign may be repainted or repaired, provided that such repainted or repaired sign does not exceed the dimensions of the existing sign.
C. Any nonconforming sign in zoning districts RR, R1, R2, OS, or BV may not be converted to a CEVM sign.
(1) Any nonconforming billboard or other off-premises sign may not be converted to a CEVM sign.
Changeable electronic variable message (CEVM) signs.
A. Location.
(1) CEVM freestanding, monument, and wall signs are permitted only as specified in the Resort Overlay District, the Planned Commercial Retail Entertainment Dining District (PCRED) and as specifically permitted in other districts as adopted. CEVM signs and are not permitted in other districts.
(2) CEVM signs shall not be located within 100 feet of a residential use if the CEVM sign area is greater than 16 square feet.
(3) CEVM materials and style must conform to standards set for the district.
B. Refer to below for additional requirements, including but not limited to display cycles, animation, brightness, interference, malfunction, maintenance, permitting, Code compliance.
C. Additional CEVM sign regulations.
(1) Display cycles. Messages may not change more than once every minute unless as otherwise specified for a District.
(2) Animation.
(a) Streaming video, or text or images, which flash, pulsate, move, or scroll, are prohibited.
(b) The sign shall not display flashing, blinking and/or other moving lights and/or signals.
(c) The message shall change without any of the following: fading in or out; scrolling; blinking; sudden bursts of light or sound; and/or the appearance of video, graphics or animation.
(d) No red, green, or yellow lights shall be permitted such that the display looks like a traffic signal.
(e) There shall be no illumination by any flashing, intermittent, or moving light or lights.
(3) Brightness.
(a) The sign shall utilize a nonglare face combined with flat-colored borders to minimize the reflection of the sun or vehicle headlights. The sign shall have dark backgrounds and light letters, rather than light backgrounds and dark letters, to help reduce glare.
(b) All CEVM signs shall be equipped with ambient light monitors and automatic brightness level controls to reduce light levels at night, and under cloudy or other darkened conditions shall at all times allow such monitor to automatically adjust the brightness level of the CEVM sign based on ambient light conditions so as to minimize and keep consistent sign brightness.
(c) The maximum brightness levels for such signs shall not exceed 5,000 nits when measured from the sign's face at its maximum brightness during daylight hours.
(d) The maximum brightness levels for such signs shall not exceed 150 nits when measured from the sign's face at its maximum brightness between sunset and sunrise, at those times as determined by the National Weather Service.
(e) In no case shall light exceed 0.2 footcandle at boundary line of residential property.
(4) Interference.
(a) No electronic sign shall be erected or maintained in such a manner as to obscure or otherwise physically interfere with an official traffic sign, signal or device, or to obstruct or physically interfere with the driver's view of approaching, merging or intersecting traffic.
(b) No messages shall be displayed that are intended to be and/or that result in a dangerous distraction to drivers.
(5) Malfunction. All CEVM signs shall contain a default design that shall include a safety feature that enables the sign to turn off completely in the event the display panel or device malfunctions.
(6) Maintenance.
(a) Every sign permitted by this article must be constructed of durable materials and kept in good condition and repair at all times, and in such safe condition that they shall not be a danger to the public health safety.
(b) No rubbish or debris shall be permitted near any billboard sign, especially when such rubbish or debris might constitute a fire hazard.
(c) All billboard signs shall be kept free from all hazards.
(7) Permit required.
(a) A complete application for a sign permit shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer on a form supplied by the Township.
(b) No sign or sign structure shall be erected, displayed, moved, relocated, replaced or altered, until an application has been filed, a permit fee has been paid and a sign permit issued by the Zoning Officer. The permit fee shall be established by the Board of Supervisors by resolution.
(c) Any CEVM billboard sign hereafter erected or used shall conform to the provisions of this article and other provisions of the Township.
(d) Applicants for a building permit for a CEVM billboard must submit to the Building Code Official a building and electrical permit application and sealed plans prepared by a licensed professional structural engineer verifying that the billboard meets or exceeds industry standards and building code and electrical codes approved by the Township.
(8) Miscellaneous.
(a) The sign owner or lessee may be requested by local government officials, county, state and federal emergency management centers a display for emergencies such as Amber Alerts, weather alerts and/or public announcements.
(b) On-premises and storefront signs shall only advertise for the location they are on.
(c) The sign shall comply with all other requirements, regulations and ordinances of Tobyhanna Township and any and all applicable federal or state rules or regulations including but not limited to PennDOT. CEVM materials and style must conform to standards set for the district.
Purpose.The purpose of this article is to:
A. Promote the safety of persons and property by providing that signs:
(1) Do not create traffic hazards by distracting or confusing motorists or impairing motorists' ability to see pedestrians, other vehicles or obstacles or to read traffic signs.
Do not create a hazard due to collapse, fire, corrosion, decay or abandonment.
(3) Do promote the aesthetics, safety, health, general welfare and the assurance of protection of adequate light and air within the Township by regulation of the posting, displaying, erection, use and maintenance of signs.
B. Promote the efficient transfer of public and commercial information through the use of signs.
C. Protect the public welfare and enhance the overall appearance and economic value of the landscape and preserve the unique natural environment of the Township. It is also acknowledged that the Township's economic well-being is heavily dependent upon the resort and tourist industry, and the preservation of the environment as a matter of public policy and safety.
D. Provide guidelines to bring all illegal signs into compliance.