MapLink™ Procedures | Tourist Development Project - Additional Requirements

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Tourist Development Project - Additional Requirements
Special regulations applicable to TDP.
(1) Following zoning approval and prior to submission of a preliminary land development plan, the developer of a proposed TDP shall participate in a presubmission conference with the Board of Supervisors to determine which of the following impact statements and/or studies are deemed necessary as a condition of preliminary land development submission:
(a) Traffic impact;
(b) Hydrogeologic;
(c) Wetlands;
(d) Environmental;
(e) Stormwater management
(f) Fire protection;
(g) Police and security;
(h) Emergency services (to include but not be limited to fire-fighting response, emergency medical services and emergency management);
(i) Geotechnical subsurface exploration;
(j) Sewage and waste treatment and disposal;
(k) Solid waste disposal;
(l) Architectural and general aesthetics;
(m) Landscaping and buffering;
(n) Social/economic;
(o) Noise control;
(p) Historical;
(q) Archaeological;
(r) Flood;
(s) Air quality;
(t) Control of radioactivity, electrical emissions and electrical disturbances;
(u) Airport/airspace; and
(v) Public transportation.

For more information on the Master Sign Plan, see § 155-16.1E(2)
For more information on the Master Parking Plan, see § 155-16.1F